Meals (2)


Stripe Repeating

Grace Mission wouldn’t exist without our volunteers. Please
email or call 850-224-3817 to connect with us. Thank you!


Grace Mission operates on a small staff and a multitude of volunteers! We have many different volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups, schools, fraternities, sororities, or other community service organizations.


  • Building - painting, maintenance, and grounds keeping
  • Organization - communications and administrative skills
  • Worship - musicians, welcome team, set up, and clean up of worship space
  • Feeding - budding/experienced chefs, kitchen crew, serving, clean up crew, PB&J preparation, and delivery
  • Medical - nursing teams, counselors
  • Clothing Closet - collect and sort donations, volunteer on clothing give-away
  • Showers - supervise showers, clean bathroom, show hospitality (10:15-12:30 Wednesdays & Fridays)
  • Gardening/Landscaping - planting, weeding, and cultivation
  • Driver - help Church members and enable them to attend worship
  • Special Events - planning, organizing, and decorating
  • On-call Maintenance - skilled experts who can repair or advise on building needs